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Meet Heda...

Living backwards means having to start at the beginning...


        6th generation Texan, born and raised. Heda the 3rd.

              Always and forever a Texan at heart...

                    Yet with an inquisitive mind an explorer I shall be.


                    Embarking on adventures with an open mind and heart

                            No direction home... Expecting the unexpected.


                     20 years of dancing and moving these feet...

                             and so now across this world I will travel...


                                        My heart, my soul, my love. My Dedication, Determination and Drive.

                                                        'To live the best life one could live.'


                                             Today; following my heart, my soul, my instincts and intuitions.

                                                           Leaving behind a world I thought I knew,

                                                                     With the clear vision to transform a new...


                                                           Turning passions of the past into dreams of the future.


                                                        'Grander than I could ever imagine.'


                                                     Honest and true.

                                     Once a dancer, always a dancer. Retired and reclaimed. An 'Artistic Engineer'

                                           ...forever invested.




                                                                                                                     Follow me if you dare....

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"There is always something to learn,
       and an adventure always awaits..."  -HH

" create innovative designs with historical influences from ancient times;

             creating modern silhouettes fused with vivid colors, delicate lines and

                    artistically placed elements emphasizing the timeless beauty of every


                            -Heda Hahn







                                      "Heda is one of the most talented people I know.

                                                          A great teacher, friend, boss and designer.

                                               She can sketch, make patterns and sew like no one I have ever met" 


                                                                      -Natalie Silvestri




"Working with Heda to design a one-of-a-kind Oscar dress for me to wear on the

             red carpet was an exceptional experience. Her craftsmanship is flawless,

                    her creativity is endless and her professionalism and ability to

                            relate to her clients is priceless."

                                                    -Lorrin Millette

Marketing Director for the Academy Awards


"To laugh often and much. To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children. To earm the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends. To appreciate the beauty and the find the best in others. To leave this world a bit better. Whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition. To know that one life has breathed easier because you have lived, this is to have succeeded."


-Ralph Waldo Emerson

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